Thursday, January 15, 2009

je suis la!

i dont have much time for a proper post with pictures and such because I'm at the lab at BU, but one will follow once the internet at my homesty is a little more reliable. I'm typing on a french keyboard, which is EXTREMELY frustrating because letters and symbols are all mixed up (the 'q' is where the 'a' should be and whatnot), so ignore any typos.

So it's been difficult so far, but I'm adjusting. I change emotions within moments; sometimes it's all very exciting and surreal, other times it's overwhelming, and still other times it feels comfortable, like nothing has changed. My host mom is very nice but she only speaks French, so communication is difficult at the moment. I can understand her fairly easily by picking up on keywords, and she's very patient and understanding, but it's hard to speak with her because my speaking skills are definitely not up to snuff quite yet. I'm sure that will improve over time; after tomorrow, we're only allowed to speak French at BU.

We had orientation and a sightseeing tour yesterday. There is SO much I want to see while I'm here, so I better start soon! I think Meredith and I might go to the Louvre today...we both want to do something Parisian and touristy.

Ok, just letting everyone know I'm here and alive. I will post again from my laptop when I have a chance.

à bientot,

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