Monday, January 19, 2009

i love paris in the winter, when it drizzles....

Yesterday was Montmartre avec Meredith and Veronique. It was my favorite part of Paris last time I came, and I think it is still. I would like to go there alone one day and just walk and walk for's one of those sorts of places. I have pictures but my camera is dead right now so...later.

Class started today. Five hours straight of class in French...umm...well, it's difficult. But I can literally feel my French improving every day. We had our weekly dinner with our host mom today and we were actually able to carry on a conversation, which is a first.

I'm taking art history, a theatre/cinema/music class, and a grammar class. I love art history. Not going to lie, I wish I could change my major a little. But I just thought of that today, so I'll probably change my mind. But this is my third course of art history and I really never stop loving it and getting excited about it. What a nerd I am.

Madame De Cremiers makes the most amazing food. Tonight we had fresh avacado with balsamic vinaigrette for the first course, then a sort of pie/casserole with chicken, mushrooms, a crème fraiche sauce, and rice for the second course, then cheese and salad, then a dessert of passionfruit and strawberry sorbet. Mmmmm....I adore French food. The only downside (or is it an upside...?) is that she keeps pouring us wine over and over and over. Ok, so maybe it's an upside.

La vie est belle. Paris est belle. Je suis contente.

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